Page 1 - autumn
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     Dear Parents and Carers                                                     This has been an unprecedented
                                                                                 year with lots of disruption and

                                                                                 challenges. Even through this, St.
     Welcome to our first newsletter for                                         Anthony’s has continued to be a
     this academic year. It has been                                             very successful and happy school.
     lovely to return back to face to face                                       We could not be as successful
     teaching and welcoming all the                                              without the support we receive from
     pupils back into school.  We have      H Day, I Earons, L Etherington,      parents and carers which has been
     also had the opportunity to welcome    R Grossi, N Huff, S Humphrey,        incredible this year. On behalf of the
     26 new pupils to the school. This      U Negus, C Read & A Taylor.          school, staff and governors, I would
     term we have had to implement lots                                          like to extend my sincere thanks for
     of changes to the environment to                                            all your support that you have given.
     ensure pupils and staff are kept safe.   I would like to remind parents and   We look forward to a less eventful
     However, we have been able to          carers that we have a text system    year in 2021 so that we can
     continue to deliver the full curriculum   and Parentmail that is used to    continue to provide the education
     and hopefully you will have the        alert parents of events and other    that your child deserves.
     chance to read about the great work    important issues in school. With
     pupils have done this term in this     the exception of Covid, at this time
     newsletter.                            of year, there is always the         Finally, I would like to wish
                                            potential that we could have a       everyone a very Happy Christmas
                                            very cold winter. These systems      and New Year, I hope you have the
     As we approach Christmas, it will be   are a quick and efficient way of     opportunity to spend it safely with
     slightly different as we can’t have the   providing parents with up to date   family and loved ones.
     events we normally would, but we       information. If you have not
     have planned a number of activities    provided us with your mobile
     for pupils to celebrate in school.     number or contact details so that
                                            you can be included in the text

                                            system or Parentmail, I
     I am pleased to welcome the            recommend that you do so.
     following new staff to the school,        Please contact the school office.
     H Beaumont, C Bailey, A Anthony,
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