Page 9 - autumn
P. 9

Our topic this term has been Houses, Homes and Pets. We have been looking at the

          different types of houses, including old and new homes.  In our pets topic we have
                learnt about how to care for pets and different types of working animals.

                                   In Numeracy we took part in
                                   practical measuring activities. We

                                   also learnt about 2D and 3D
                                   shapes. We went on a hunt to
                                   see if we could find the shapes
                                   around the school.

   We enjoyed Space Week
   this term. We had a visit

   from our class alien
   ‘Sporkle’. We learnt about
   the planets in our solar
   system, painted them and

   we learnt about moon

                                                                               We have been learning about
                                                                               how to look after pets. Bella
                                                                               came to visit Birch class and

                                                                               we get to learn all about how
                                                                               to look after a dog and what
                                                                               they need.
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