Page 21 - autumn
P. 21

Random Acts of

                  Therapies in                   Covid 19 has had an
                 Schools (TIS)                   impact on all of us, so

                                                 students at the St.
                                                 Anthony’s Hub at
    David Marson has this term been
    supporting some of the primary classes       Chichester College
    with additional strategies to help           thought they would do
    develop functional skills such as using      something very simple
    scissors, cutlery and writing.  In           but with positive results.
    secondary a ‘Hand Skills’ group has
    also been running to provide further         Students made Rocky
    input around self-care skills such as        Road squares whilst fully
    dressing.  Support for staff in working      adhering to health,
    with children around particular sensory      hygiene and social
    needs/preferences has been given
    through the ‘Sensory Level 1 TIS             distancing rules.
    training.’                                   Wearing face coverings
                                                 students walked around
                                                 college handing out
                                                 small bags of a Rocky
                                                 Road to anyone they
                                                 encountered !

                                                 Who would not be able
                                                 to smile and give positive
                                                 comments when handed
                                                 something made with
     It was great to get back to school and      chocolate......and
     start working with your children. It has
     been a busy term with some
     challenges but thanks to the joint
     effort of school and TIS, we've                                          (Subject to dates
     managed to introduce group and                                           being changed or
     individual therapy sessions.                                             added)

     Group sessions are great for peer
     interactions and enchanting the
     learning experience in a safe                  Monday 14 Dec               Primary Xmas Magic Show &
     environment .Students can share fun                                        Santa visit - virtual
     moments as well as work towards                Tuesday 15 Dec              Primary Christmas Lunch
     their physical goals.                          Thursday 17 Dec             Secondary Christmas Lunch
     Direct 1:1 physio sessions/exercises           Friday 18 Dec               Christmas Jumper Day
     are focusing on the need of each               Friday 18 Dec               End of term
     TIS Physiotherapist continues to  give
     advice on activities to help your
     children to improve their access to the        Monday 4 Jan                Term starts for pupils
     curriculum and as such could be                Thursday 11 Feb             INSET Day
     integrated into their whole school day.        Friday 12 Feb               INSET Day
                                                    Mon-Fri 15-19 Feb           Half term
    If you are a parent/carer and would like
    to speak to a TIS Occupational                  Thursday 1 April            End of term
    Therapist or Physiotherapist, please do
    contact your child’s personal tutor/class
    teacher and they can forward your
    request to us.                                  Monday 19 April             Term starts for pupils
    David Marson (Occupational Therapist)           Friday 30 April             INSET Day
                                                                                Half term
                                                    Mon-Fri 31 May-4 Jun
    & Katalin Halasz (Physiotherapist)
                                                    Friday 23 July              End of term
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