Page 17 - autumn
P. 17

Year 7 have been learning about The
       Romans. They have learnt how the Roman
       army was so formidable. 7TK have
       successfully completed Roman army
       training at ‘Roman Army Boot Camp’. They
       have learnt 3 battle manoeuvres and are
       here demonstrating the ‘Orb’ the
       ‘Testudo’ (Tortoise) and the ‘Wedge’.                   Ap
       Courage and discipline are key to the life of           plic
       a Roman soldier.  The boys did well to
       complete their training.

     7W have done well learning History skills.             order. Here they are completing a timeline
     They  learned about chronology and were  of a typical day in school. Some great
     a whizz at putting events and dates in                 homework was produced too. Well done.

    Mrs Styles and Mr Armstead
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