Page 20 - autumn
P. 20

Since returning back to school in                     the Level 1 winners then go onto
       September pupils have been competing in  represent St. Anthony's School and play
       personal challenges and Level 1                       against other schools at the Level 2
       competitions across various sports such               competitions. Depending on the outcome
       as Boccia, Swimming, OAA, Trampolining,  from the Level 2 competition depends if
       Uni-Hoc and New Age Kurling all for Mrs.  pupils represent the county at the Level 3
       Strudwick's School Sports Games (SSG).  games. Unfortunately this year, due to
       The Level 1 competition involves pupils               Covid restrictions the Level 2 competitions
       being split into teams within their year              are on hold until further notice.
       group and playing against other teams in
       the same year group.  In previous years,

       The pupils have all been working hard in              everywhere!  As for the Year 10s and 11s
       Drama continuing to be as creative as                 they are ploughing on with their exam
       ever. The Year 7s are creating Dream                  coursework.
       Worlds and the Year 8s are filling the hall           This week we will start preparations for
       with a variety of strange noises as they              the Giant Christmas Joke Telling that we
       explore their voices and create lots of               will do in class at the end of term. So if
       different soundscapes.  Meanwhile the                 you have any crackers maybe pull them a
       Year 9s have been learning all about                  bit early and bring as many festive jokes
       making group decisions to help them                   in to school as possible!
       survive on an island that they have been
       shipwrecked on all term .  So far so good,            WISHING YOU ALL A VERY MERRY
       they have all survived and their societies            CHRISTMAS from the Drama Department
       are developing but they are beginning to
       wish that they had not been so blase
       about scattering volcanoes                            Why can’t Christmas trees


                                                             Because they always drop

                                                             their needles.

                        Why couldn’t Mary and Joseph join their work conference call?

                        Because there was no zoom at the inn.
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