Page 18 - autumn
P. 18

Emilia in Year 11 has
                     been adding to her tally
                     of merits by creating this
                     wonderful elephant
                     cushion. What a star!

                                                     Some pupils in Year 11 have been learning about
                                                     the people in our local area who can help us.

    The Year 10s have been                tools to make the soil ready          Year 11 group have been
    busy this term learning about  in the spring for                            finishing off their plant care
    how to stay safe whilst               planting.  They have also             unit from last year and have
    gardening, recognising a              done some weeding, cutting  just begun working on the
    healthy plant from an                 hedges and gathering up the  land maintenance unit which
    unhealthy plant and how to            leaves.  Some of the group            has involved them doing lots
    make it healthy and getting to  also decided to build a bridge  of outside jobs to make the
    use some of the gardening             next to the pond area.  The           area look better.
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