Page 15 - autumn
P. 15

Wow! Well what a term this has                 voluntary contributions towards the
                          been! All of our pupils and staff have  cost of ingredients that we have
                          worked extremely hard to make                  been using this term, without this we
                          Food Technology possible and safe  would not have been able to
                          in these very challenging times. We  achieve the huge range of cookery
                          also wanted to say a huge ‘THANK  experiences that the pupils have
                          YOU’ also for all of the amazing               had this term.

    This term we have focused  in season and talking about
    on where our food comes             why it is healthier to eat
    from and food in season to  food that is sourced locally.
    enable our pupils to think          Year 7s developed their
    about the impact of where  preparation skills by
    our food travels from and           working with different fruits
    what its source is.                 and Year 8 have been
    Across the year groups we           investigating how flour is
    have been making dishes             made and where it comes
    using fruit and vegetables          from.


                                            Year 10 have begun their            the eggs we buy in the
                                            BTEC qualification and              supermarkets are
                                            have been very busy                 produced. The pupils
                                            preparing and making                thought about the different
                                            healthy breakfasts and              conditions the hens live in.
                                            lunches. At the beginning           It was very clear that the
                                            of the term we focused on  pupils felt that free range
                                            different ways to prepare           hens had a better quality of
     Year 9 started their ‘Food             eggs for breakfast. The             life and therefore it would
     Around the World’ topic by             pupils learnt about                 be better to buy free range
     making British dishes;                 consumer awareness                  eggs from the
     some very tasty mini apple             through talking about how  supermarkets.
     crumbles were created.
     They have also created
     other British classics such
     as mini Shepherd’s pie and                           Santiago
     mini Toad in the hole.                                              Nathaniel           Jacob

                                           Last but not least, Year 11           term. They have all been
                                           have been very busy                   working really hard,
                                           sourcing, preparing and               producing excellent dishes
                                           cooking starters, deserts and  and considering how their
                                           main meals in preparation for  dishes are presented.
                                           their final assessment pieces
                                           for their BTEC qualification in
                                           Home Cooking in the Spring


   Vicky                       Jake

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