Page 13 - autumn
P. 13

Year 10 have been exploring the theme of

         Our Environment this term. They have read
         newspaper articles, short stories and non
         fiction reports relating to the topic and
         developed their ICT skills to create their own
         reports on endangered animals and posters

         to raise awareness of eco issues. By the end
         of the topic they will write a letter explaining
         what they have learnt about the topic and

         what our school could do to be more
         environmentally friendly.

      Year 11s have been feeling brave this

      term as they have explored the genre of
      spooky stories! They have studied a
      range of stories looking at examples of

      plot, character and setting. They then
      worked incredibly hard to plan and
      produce their own stories which will be
      used for their coursework at the end of

      the year. We are so proud of how hard
      they have worked and we loved reading
      the stories even if we did lose a bit of

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