Page 14 - autumn
P. 14

In Key Stage 3 we have               also learnt about 2D shapes  and flying their own kites on
     been learning about                  by creating their own image  the school field. Our outside
     different areas of                   and talking about its               learning spaces were also
     mathematics through lots of  properties, e.g. how many                   utilised by pupils during their
     practical activities inside          right angles are there? How  length and height lessons;
     and outside the classroom.  many sides are there? Year  they took to the greenhouse
     Inside pupils chose different  9s extended their 2D shape  and pond areas to use their
     resources, such as                   work by learning about              measuring skills in a
     counters, to create arrays to  parallelograms. This led to               real-life context.
     show multiplication. Pupils          them designing, creating

       In Key Stage 4, pupils have  sizes and also using water
       been working towards their  to work out amounts of
       Entry Level or Personal             capacities.  This practical
       Progress qualifications.            work supports their written
       This term we have been              classwork and gives pupils
       looking at measures and             a deeper understanding of
       have used a range of tasks  the different concepts that
       to support their learning on  they are studying.
       longer/shorter; different
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