Page 11 - autumn
P. 11

Year 8 pupils started the academic year learning about invertebrates, habitats and
          interdependence (food chain)

                                     Year 9 pupils started the academic
                                     year learning about the Microscope
                                     and Cells. They were able to link the
                                     use of microscope to identify
                                     pathogens such as COVID-19, a type
                                     of virus. In addition, within practical
                                     context, they were able to use the
                                     microscope to explore cells that made
                                     up all organisms.

       All equipment and
      models used in our
      science lessons are
     thoroughly wiped with
   antibacterial before and
            after use.

      All Year 10 started their Entry Pathways qualification in science with a module on
      Working with Electrical Circuits. Within practical context, they have been exploring a
      wide range of simple electrical circuits, the flow of current in those circuits and different
      energy sources.
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